Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Weirdly excited

I managed to get at least 8 hours of sleep last night and the night before. I don't know if it's the cough my munchkins have given me, but I don't feel much better than when I get much less sleep. I'm trying to not just use this as an excuse to stay up way too late.

Work was more of the usual, only I managed to get off work on time today!

This doughnut somehow got into my basket at the grocery store. Oops.

I did  a couple of easy, if extremely sweaty miles on the treadmill.

And Buddy waited patiently to go upstairs.

I actually cooked dinner tonight! Well, breakfast for dinner anyway. I made some sweet potatoes with black beans, eggs, and avocado. 

One whole avocado is obviously the correct serving size. 

I have been reading Anatomy for Runners a lot this week - I'm weirdly excited to get to the assessment part so I can see what areas I should work on. I also find myself thinking more about how I'm running since I have been reading it.

What's your most recent grocery store impulse buy?


  1. You probably already know that I love that book!! I was just doing exercises from there today!

    My most recent indulgence, which I'm enjoying RIGHT NOW, is Hint of Lime Tostitos. I can't stop eating them.

    1. Those chips are so good! Have you had the Hint of Jalapeno ones? They're ridiculously addicting.


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