Saturday, July 12, 2014

Up and running

I had excellent plan follow through today.

Buddy wasn't sure why we were up so early.

All geared up with my road id and fitbit on one wrist and my garmin on the other.

This is my absolute favorite sunscreen for my face. I hate feeling all gooey, so this stuff is awesome.

I made it out the door and drove to Sleepy Hollow to meet up with the group. I wasn't even the last one there!

My slow/injured running buddy is no longer slow or injured (he's actually marathon training right now), so I had to keep up. Running with them definitely helps me run faster than I would on my own.

It was hotter than we thought it was going to be, so it was a very sweaty 6.5 miles on the trail. We finished in just over an hour.

Buddy was patiently waiting to help me stretch when I got home.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, reading, and watching some tv. I suppose I could have done some dishes or started my laundry, but there's always tomorrow for that.

I'm planning on a repeat of this morning tomorrow. Up early and running before it gets hot. We'll see how my plan plays out. Worst case, there's always the treadmill...


  1. 6.5 miles on a trail in just over an hour is super fast!! Congrats on a great run! That sunscreen looks amazing...I hate the sticky stuff on my face, too. I'm going to look for it!

    1. Thanks! The group makes me work! :)

      Apparently the version of the sunscreen I have is exclusive to Sephora (they're currently out of stock online) but there are also oily skin and anti-aging versions at other sites. I haven't tried them though.


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