Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Surrender to feeling disgusting

The weather here is still so crazy to me. It is super hot out, then we get thunderstorms (and it's still hot out) and then it's sunny again the next day (and hot out, are you sensing a pattern?). I guess I'm starting to get used to the heat a bit because it was in the upper 80s the other day and it didn't feel too awful.

The humidity still kills me. I don't think that the air is something I should be able to feel unless it's the wind. The best (worst?) advice I have seen when it comes to the heat and humidity is this: surrender to feeling disgusting. Feeling gross and sticky is pretty unavoidable, and whining about it doesn't help, so I guess giving in is really the only option.

We did water play with the munchkins at work today. It's a whole ordeal of changing them all into swimsuits and water shoes, and slathering them in sunscreen (which took forever). Then we filled up our sensory bin with water, cups, and some toys, and wheeled it outside. They had a blast!

This dog is in trouble. He even looks a little shady in this picture from earlier in the day.

I came home from dinner tonight to a really gross mess on the floor of the hallway. His only saving grace was that it was on the tile, and not the carpet. He's pouting right now because he knows that he is in trouble.

Now I'm off for a little reading before bed.

What are you reading right now? I love new book recommendations!


  1. Right now I am reading the Maze Runner, but I'm not far enough in to say if I can recommend it or not.

    The humidity is THE WORST. Ick. I think you are right in that you just have to feel gross. :(

    1. I love a good YA series! Have you read Poison Study? It's more on the fantasy side, but good.

      Accepting the grossness seems to help, or I'm getting used to it.


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