Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Kid's music and a run I didn't want to do

While I love my munchkins and can tolerate some kid music, I can't handle it all day long. Instead, I do my best to expose them to different types of music. Lucky for me, they have some pretty eclectic taste, even if they do like to listen to the same songs over and over (and over) again. Again!

So, while they would love it if I played music from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the Frozen soundtrack all. day. long. (which I won't), they also love a lot of other, much better music.

I thought I would share with you the top music requests in my classroom lately (in no particular order), followed in quotes by what the munchkins call them. I wish you could see their dance moves!

KC and the Sunshine Band - Shake Your Bootie - "Shake Booty"
Queen - We Will Rock You - "Rock A To You"
David Bowie - The Labyrinth Soundtrack - "Goblin King"
The Fray/The Muppets - Mahna Mahna - "M&Ms"
The Beatles - Yellow Submarine - "Yellow Submarine"

I am clearly an excellent influence.

I had to work later than usual today and when I got home I just did not want to run. At all. I don't know how I trained for the last two races when I was working late all the time, but I had to seriously dig deep for some motivation today.

I somehow managed to drag myself to the basement for a respectable 3 miles, and, of course, was glad that I did. Aside from when I have been sick or injured, I can't think of a run that I finished and thought, "Man, I wish I hadn't run today."

I'll leave you to wonder what on earth my neighbors bought. There were at least 6 of these boxes in the recycling the other day and they were about 3 feet tall.

Tombstones? :)


  1. Have you ever heard of Francis England? My kids liked that music @ preschool age. Also They Might Be Giants has some great kids' tunes.

    Those DO look like tombstones. What the heck?!

    1. I will have to check those out! It's so nice to have a bunch of options. It makes it easier to avoid the dreaded never-ending song repeat cycle :)

      I still have zero idea what was in those boxes. Super weird.


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