Thursday, July 24, 2014


Happy Thursday!

Every day closer to the weekend is extra exciting this week because Tom comes home on Saturday!

We found this little guy (Tom informs me that it is a toad) in our play yard this morning. Once they stopped screaming at him, the munchkins were really fascinated by him.

This was on the wall by the back door this afternoon. Tom said he would kill it if it was still there on Saturday, but I managed to take it out with minimal girly squealing noises.

Bugs and I are not friends.

Buddy assumed his usual upside down position while I hit the treadmill for my 4 miles.

Look how big my tomato plant has gotten!

Ignore the sun-scorched leaves at the bottom and focus on the fact that I almost have a couple of tomatoes ready to eat!

Yellow pear tomatoes are the best.

It was a nice night, so I grilled a burger and some zucchini for dinner. Grilling the zucchini was a really good idea.

Knife skills are not high on my list of priorities, so yes, those zucchini slices are all over the place.

Not a bad way to spend an evening.


  1. I would have burned my house down and just started over if I had a bug like that inside.

    1. Haha! Something along those lines was definitely my first reaction!

  2. Oh the bug. !!!! Those are on my list of top 10 least favorite things in the history of EVER. YUCK.

    1. Right? The first time I saw one of these a few years ago it was on MY BED. Not. Cool.

  3. I'm proud of you in getting rid of that bug. Looks like a fast moving one! Your dinner looks yummy. I haven't tried grilling zucchini yet. Looks good. Todays your Friday! Have a wonderful day:)

    1. Well, I thought about trapping it under a bowl with a note that said "Bug under here, do not move" like I did in high school, but thought I should just be a grown up and handle it myself. ;)


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