Friday, July 4, 2014

A 4th of July Miracle

It was so nice to not have an alarm set today. That's not to say that I slept in, but I'd rather wake up early without an alarm than with one.

I started off the morning with coffee (of course) and some Greek yogurt blueberry pancakes.

Then Buddy and I drove over to the Rockefeller Preserve to go for a walk while it wasn't raining.

Buddy was too excited for me to get a non-blurry picture.

He really wanted to chase these geese.

And he scared this little family of ducks (that you can hardly see because they're swimming away as fast as they can).

These ducks were safely enjoying the warm weather on their own private island.

Buddy also really wanted to chase some chipmunks. If I let him loose I never would have seen him again.

By the time we got back to the car, the humidity was back with a vengeance, and we were both ready to head home.

I did an easy 3 miles (around 10:00 mile pace) in the wonderfully non-humid basement when we got back.

I had plans to fire up the grill (and the oven) so I could have a burger and fries for the 4th. Once the oven was on, I realized that I would rather roast some broccoli (I'm addicted) than cook the fries I bought.

I went out to check on my burger and noticed the temperature was lower than the last time I had checked on it. Naturally, I ran out of propane. By some 4th of July miracle, my burger was cooked, and I didn't have to finish it off inside.


Buddy and I took a little walk down to the end of the street so we could see the fireworks over the river. He wasn't sure why we were just standing there, but we had a pretty good view and watched for a while.

All in all, a nice, relaxing, day.

How was your 4th? Did you watch fireworks?

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