Wednesday, July 2, 2014

There is Thunder, Hear it Roar

Holy cow the humidity here is crazy! I'm sure there are plenty of other places where it's worse, but I am just not used to it.

I took a rest day from running today. Instead, I ate a bunch of watermelon, finished a book I started on the plane, and watched a pretty impressive thunderstorm.

Buddy and I went out a few minutes before it got to us. It started getting really dark so we hurried back inside.

I tried to get some good video of the crazy lightning, but it was way more impressive in person. (There's some good flashes around the 21 second mark)

Buddy did not approve of the thunder. He kept running upstairs and then coming to stand by me.

Last day of work for the week tomorrow. Several of my kiddos are going to be out, and everyone is supposed to get picked up by 3. That either means it will be a mellow day, or the few kids who are there will be extra crazy. It could go either way.

People at work keep asking me what I'm going to do for the long weekend. They seem a little disappointed when I tell them, "As little as possible." I have really big plans of running, reading (if I can pick a new book to start), sleeping, cleaning, and relaxing with Buddy.

What are your plans for the holiday weekend?


  1. Yeah, the northeast was a humid, swampy mess today! Ugh.

    1. Isn't it terrible out? I think it's supposed to be slightly less miserable this weekend.

  2. I love a good thunderstorm but sadly my labrador does not. If its at night she will jump in bed with me and if it's during the day she will hide under the table!

    1. Thunderstorms are so cool! Buddy mostly looks confused by the thunder and uses it as an excuse to creep up onto the couch next to me.

  3. poor little buddy.

    i heard that there is a thunder shirt of some kind that you can get for dogs that hugs them and helps them not get as scared....

    1. I think Buddy would just try to pull it off. He just stares at me like I have some control over the thunder. It's a lot like the look he gives me when it's raining or snowing out. A sort of, "why won't you make this better?" kind of look.


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