Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pudding pops and a tempo run

We try to do some form of cooking with the munchkins at least once a month. We've made cookies, strawberry muffins, banana bread, dirt cupcakes, and a few others. Sometimes the project is more involved, sometimes it's super quick and easy.

This month was quick and easy.

We made chocolate pudding pops!

Pudding Pops
(recipe found here)

1 pkg Instant Pudding
2 cups milk
1 cup cool whip

Mix ingredients together, pour into paper cups, add a wooden popsicle stick or plastic spoon, and freeze!

Super easy, and the kids loved them! They also made a huge mess eating them, but they were happy, so that's really what matters.

My assistant had the day off, so I ended up working late again. I'm not used to these long days anymore, I was getting really tired this afternoon.

It took a little extra effort to convince myself to do my tempo run for the day. I ended up doing a warm up, 4 miles @ 9:23, and a cool down, 6 miles total. And, as usual, I felt way better when I was finished.

You would think I would know by now that running always makes me feel better, but I still forget somehow.


  1. Mmm pudding pops are so yummy!! Does that make you think of Bill Cosby or are you too young for that? Probably you're too young. LOL I haven't ever tried making my own but I need to!

    1. Oh no, I definitely remember/think of Bill Cosby when I think about pudding pops! These were really easy and super tasty. Hard to go wrong with those ingredients! :)


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