Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It had to be done.

Today was infinitely better than yesterday. We only had 8 kiddos (Wednesday is usually 10) and had a generally pleasant day.

My new afternoon assistant hasn't started yet, did I already tell you? We're still waiting for her to clear her background check before she can start working. That means I'm still working my usual long hours for now. My boss keeps telling me that I'm going to miss the overtime pay - I keep assuring her that I will not.

It's been raining pretty much all day. The road now looks like a bit of a river.


Buddy doesn't really like the rain. He gives me dirty looks when we go outside and it's raining, like it's somehow my fault.

I finally got caught up on some things at home tonight.

First, I poured myself a motivational drink.

Now that I put the picture up I realize that it looks like I just had a tall glass of whisky, but I promise it was mostly ginger ale! 

I started some laundry so I will have clothes for work tomorrow, and then it was time to tackle the dishes.

It had to be done, I was pretty much out of plates.

Then I made dinner and had to wash even more dishes. It never ends.

I changed the pace on my training plan yesterday. The pace they had my easy and tempo runs at was way slower than I usually do either of them (yes, I know easy runs are supposed to be easy, but my tempo runs weren't even going to be a challenge!). I have a 5 mile tempo run tomorrow, so we'll see how my changes feel after that.

Now I'm finishing up a last minute addition to my class newsletter for May, and then I'm off to bed. Early. For real....hopefully. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Running therapy

Today was long. It was 90% just like any Tuesday, busy, and a little crazy. The last hour was stressful, scary, and a little overwhelming. I won't go into it, other than to say that all my kiddos and I are ok.

So when I got home (and realized there was nothing I could do to make anybody else's day better), I did the only think I could think of - I headed to the basement for some quality treadmill time. It felt selfish, but therapeutic, and necessary.

I ran out the crazy emotions of the day. Then I ran a little more, a little faster, until I couldn't think about anything but keeping my feet on the treadmill belt.

It's amazing how a run can help you work through thoughts and emotions that might otherwise get too overwhelming.

A blurry Buddy photo from the treadmill.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be calmer, because so far this week has been pretty emotionally draining.

Now I want need ice cream.

Do you use running/exercise as therapy?

Monday, April 28, 2014

I bought a plant

My training plan started off with a rest day, which is good, because I don't know if I could have made myself do it tonight. I gave myself permission to not even think about the dishes until tomorrow too. Just not feeling it tonight.

We had a pretty good Monday at work, the kids always forget the rules over the weekend, but it didn't take too long to get back in the swing of things.

I bought this plant after work:

I'm not a big gardener, but I do like having a few plants around. This claims to like full sun, so it should be happy on the back deck.

Pretty cute.

Buddy was not a big fan of gardening, not enough jumping around for his taste.

We bought him a brush to help with his shedding (and ridiculous dandruff) this weekend. He loves it! It makes him absolutely crazy and hyper though, which makes brushing him a little more difficult.

Do you have a green thumb or a black thumb?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Our giant lap dog

Tom and I had a really good weekend, though it was over way too quickly! Luckily this time apart will be shorter than the last time. And it won't be too much longer before he is back for real!

Buddy took advantage of the not-fully-latched storm door and went on a nice run Saturday afternoon. He was pretty pleased with himself.

He loved having Tom home for the weekend and spent as much time in his lap as possible. Our giant lap dog.

And it's official, I signed up for my next race - the Newburgh Half Marathon!

It's in 6 weeks. Oops! I decided it would be ok since I have been keeping my mileage up since the Sleepy Hollow Half.

I would have had more time for training if I signed up for the race the first time I looked at it, but I kept coming up with reasons not to. None of them were good reasons though, so I sucked it up and registered.

I signed up for Runner's World Smart Coach too, mostly because I'm too lazy to find my own training plan. Most of the runs are at a slower pace than I have been running lately, and it claims I should be able to take about two minutes off of my last race time. It makes me wonder if I'm just bad about pacing myself during races and could be finishing with much faster times. I guess we'll see!

I finally managed to finish up my lesson plans (since they are actually due tomorrow) and my newsletter. I had most of it done, so it only took a little while once I sat down and actually worked on it. Funny how that works!

How do you find your training plans?

What's the shortest training time frame you've had for a race?

Friday, April 25, 2014

It's (finally) Friday!

It's Friday!

Tom is here, so there probably won't be much blogging going on this weekend. We have really exciting plans to relax and just enjoy being in the same state this weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend too!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

I set the alarm off

Just a quick post to say hi!

I set off the alarm this morning. I forgot it was set and flung open the back door to water some seeds I planted. So I got to start the morning with a brief chat with the alarm company. I'm actually surprised that it was the first time I have done that!

We had a good day at work, and I got to leave a little early too!

I've been busy this afternoon trying to finish up my class newsletter and get some things done around the house because Tom is coming home for the weekend!!! (Yes, I do need those extra exclamation points)

I got 5 miles in after work since I probably won't be running much this weekend. They weren't fast, but I felt way better than I did earlier in the week.

My shoe pile is getting out of control in the living room.

Buddy was looking extra thoughtful this morning.

And a couple of springy pictures from the yard for my mom!

And I'm off again to finish some things before bed!

Is it starting to look springy at your house?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A wild, wacky Wednesday

For some reason, all the children at work today (in all the classes) were completely insane this morning. My kids have been so good lately that this came out of nowhere! We spent a while outside, but even that didn't calm them down. It was a room full of hypersensitive, hyperactive toddlers. There was a lot of screaming.

I had put off our monthly cooking project long enough, so I brought in supplies today and hoped for the best! Since we are talking bugs this month, we made "dirt" cupcakes.

The kids always love doing cooking activities, they just don't like that they have to take turns stirring and dumping in ingredients. Plus they know we get to eat what we make at afternoon snack!

Somehow, even after the cupcakes, they were much more mellow in the afternoon. Maybe they were just tired?

I didn't get out of work until 6 today, and I am really trying to push through and finish my lesson plans, so I didn't get a run in. On the bright side, I just need to figure out next month's sensory bin and write my monthly newsletter and then I'm done! The rest of my plans are finished! After last weekend, I wasn't sure it was going to ever happen.

We have some new play equipment in one of the yards at work (there are 4 sections of play yards around the outside of our building). It's the one we generally use, so we are excited and a little bummed, because we can't go out there until Tuesday when all the concrete (cement?) is dry on the equipment.

It will be interesting to see what my kids can actually use, some of it looks a little too tall and a little too advanced for us!

Was your Wednesday crazy or calm?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Shiny shoes

We made ridiculous spiders (that don't really look like spiders) the other day.

Today we gave a few chicks some feathers and a googly eye. It really bothered the kids that we only used one eye. We don't understand the concept of profile yet.

I "got" to spend two hours working on my portfolio (giant binder of doom) today.

And then I was surprised to be able to go home a little after 4. 

There are spring things happening to the trees by the house!

My shoes that I wear every day conveniently unfortunately have a hole in them, so I was forced to get some new ones. I have been seeing these shoes all over the internet, and on tv, and after reading a bunch of reviews, I wanted to try them out.

Zappos is so awesome that I ordered them last night and they were on my porch when I got home from work today!

They're a little shiny, which takes some getting used to, but it's the super comfy material they are made of, so I can get over it. As much as I don't care about all the hype surrounding them right now, it's actually true. These are amazingly light and really comfortable. We'll have to see how they do after a day at work.

Oh, and the best part - they're machine washable!

I spent my early day doing a quick run (which told me pretty quickly that I'm not fully over whatever took me out this weekend), and then lesson planning like crazy. They're almost done! If I killed myself and stayed up way too late I could finish them tonight, but as long as I get them done by the end of the week I will be happy.

Buddy thought that it was dinner time since I was home, even though it was still over an hour away. He tried his pathetic face during my cool down, but was forced to actually wait until his usual dinner time.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Mostly food.

My breakfast of champions.

I'm doing much better today, though my stomach isn't quite right yet. We had our usual 9 Monday kiddos and had a generally pleasant day.

One of my munchkins informed me (out of nowhere) that "Superman is stronger than Hulk smash" - now you know.

I had dishes piled up from days ago so rather than spend a ridiculous amount of time washing them, I loaded up the dishwasher after work. I felt both smart and lazy at the same time.

For dinner I had roasted veggies, rice, and chicken sausage. I don't feel at all bad about the size of this plate (it was a lot of food) because it's mostly veggies and also because I barely ate this weekend.

Oh, and I tried this from my RunnerBox today:

It was exactly what it said it was, and very tasty. There were sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, raisins and dried cherries. It was a nice mix, and a good quick snack!

I was responsible (boooooring) and didn't run today. It seemed wrong to run within 12 hours of having a fever, especially since I don't have a race coming up anytime soon. Hopefully I'll get out of work before 6 tomorrow and get a run in.

Oh! And my new afternoon part-timer starts next week! After a few days training her I will be able to leave after a reasonable length shift! I have been working such crazy hours that this is going to feel like I'm working part-time, it's going to be amazing! 

What was something tasty you ate today?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

My weekend on the couch.

My run yesterday was the highlight of my weekend. I had plans to catch up on dishes and get my lesson plans done this weekend, but the world had other plans.

Not long after I got home from my run, I started to feel off. Then I had the chills, no appetite, and a fever. Awesome.

So my productive weekend was hijacked, and I spent most of it on the couch. My lesson plans are still not done. I did manage to remember to do my laundry this afternoon so I will have something to wear to work tomorrow.

Buddy is very confused by my lack of activity, though he does like napping on the couch.

I'm feeling a lot better this evening, though I'm definitely not better. Here's hoping that I'm functional tomorrow.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

First group run in years!

I know you're wondering, and yes, I did set my alarm and met up with that group run this morning. And I am so glad that I did! 

My stomach this morning felt like I was getting ready for a race. My mind was going crazy with nervous questions. What if everyone was faster than me and just left me in the dust? What if I fell? What if I got there late and they already left?

Well, in answer to the falling question, the answer was - get back up and keep running. I have been running on my treadmill so much that I'm not used to having to dodge rocks/tree roots and about 3 1/2 miles in, I wiped out. I took a chunk out of one hand and scraped up the other, but I didn't bleed.

It stings more than it looks like it does.

Everyone was very nice and paused until I jumped back up, and then we were on our way again. They told me I survived my initiation.

The group starts out together and then kind of splits up according to pace. They stop about halfway through to re-group and then head out again, which is good, because the trails we ran on were really confusing. 

Officially (according to my Garmin), I ran 5.06 miles in 49:13, average pace 9:43/mile. My Garmin couldn't find me for the first mile or so and since I know about what time we left I feel pretty confident in saying we did a little over 6 miles in just under an hour.

I will definitely be running with them again. 6 miles never went so fast! Everyone was really nice, and it turns out I like running with other people, even if I did worry that I was slowing them down a bit.

Buddy is a little hurt that I didn't take him with me, but he's not really up for 6 miles yet.

We're planning on a nice long walk this afternoon when I need a break from lesson planning, so I think he'll forgive me.

When was your last running wipe out? Were there witnesses?

Friday, April 18, 2014

What if it's weird?

Happy Friday!

Today was a really good day at work. I didn't have the assistant I thought I was going to have. I got to work with a girl I have worked with before, and she's awesome. We only had 8 kiddos and two of them left early.

My boss finally found someone to work part-time in my classroom! That means pretty soon I will be able to work mostly normal length days (I may have to alternate early days with my assistant, even though she only works part time). It's going to be so nice!

After work I headed to the basement for a few easy miles. I ran a little past Buddy's dinner time. He was wasting away.

He has to practice that face.

I'm still not used to paying attention to which sock goes on which foot. Though I do love these socks.

I had a super healthy tasty dinner of frozen pizza and beer.

I'm still in the process of convincing myself to set my alarm for tomorrow. There's a group run that meets up at 8am a short drive from the house. It would be nice to finally meet some other runners around here, but I'm not really good about getting going on the weekends - mornings and I aren't really friends. Plus it's been years since I ran with anyone, what if it's weird?

Are you more of a morning person or a night owl?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I wonder if it hurts when I run?

I had a pebble or something under the insole of my shoe all day at work today. It took me a ridiculous amount of time to realize that was what had happened. So now I have a tiny bruise on the ball of my foot and it hurts when I walk.

Being a runner, I thought, "I wonder if it hurts when I run? Let's find out!"

It doesn't. You might be surprised by how many things that hurt when you walk, don't hurt when you run. It's kind of like when you lose your voice, sometimes you can still sing - weird.

Good thing too because I was looking forward to my run all day today, especially because I got some new clothes in the mail.

I used some of my hard-earned overtime pay to splurge on a new top and running skort from Oiselle.

I wore them for an awesome 5 miles after work and love them both! The tank top is quite possibly the softest shirt ever, and I didn't have to fuss with the skort at all during my run!

We had a nice day at work, I hardly had to use my "I'm very serious right now" voice at all! And as an added bonus I got to leave before 6!

My usual Friday assistant is being put in another toddler room tomorrow (their lead teacher quit), so I am going to have an infant teacher in my room. She knows the kids, so hopefully it goes well.

And even if it doesn't, it will still be Friday!

This guy set off another mouse trap today. He really likes ripping cardboard boxes apart. 

Are you guilty of running when you shouldn't? Have you done the "does it hurt when I run?" test?

What do you splurge on when you want to treat yourself?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April snow?

There was snow on my car this morning.

Not a lot, but that's not the point! It's the middle of April - we're supposed to be done with this!

I worked 7-6 today, it was long. Aside from the length of time, it was a really good day (know that I'm grading on a curve, because really good days with two year olds are different than normal good days).

We made bunny ear hats. I wish I could show you how cute they are on, the ears flop over and look adorable!

Buddy did a little counter surfing the other day, so we upped our game and flipped the mouse traps right side up. He's big enough that I'm not worried about him getting stuck in one. Plus I caught my own fingers in one the other day so I know how much it hurts.

He set one off today before lunch. When I picked it up and showed it to him he went and hid behind the curtain.

Maybe this means his counter surfing days are over?

Dinner was another tasty burger with sweet potato waffle fries. The fries are my new favorite (probably until tomorrow), though I'm glad I was watching them because they cooked about 15 minutes faster than they were supposed to. Burnt fries make me sad.

No running today, too much work and not enough sleep. I have different plans for tomorrow. Tomorrow there will be running.

Do you feel off if you miss a run or don't run as much as you would like?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Early to bed, early to rise?

It's rainy here, which is not as nice as the lovely sunshine that we had this weekend. That also means we didn't get to go play outside, which makes the kiddos a little nuts.

Actually, aside from a start to nap time that almost had me running from the building, we had a really good day. All the kiddos napped, and most of the time they were playing so nicely it didn't feel like there were 10 of them!

For art today we made these silly handprint sheep. Yes, they're sheep, don't question it. 


Yesterday we made snazzy coffee filter flowers. We colored them with markers and then used an eyedropper to get them wet so all the colors bled together. They turned out pretty cute.

 Buddy does not approve of the rain.

I got out of work fairly late tonight, but I really needed to get in a run for my mental health. I decided to be speedier about it than usual and did a quick 2 miles before dinner.

I'm getting faster. It wasn't as much effort as I thought it would be to maintain the pace I started at, so I just kept bumping up the speed. Plus I promised Buddy I would be done by his dinner time, so there was no time to waste!

I have to go in at my early time tomorrow, so I'm going to attempt to get to bed early tonight (hahahahah, right!). We'll see how that goes.

Do you have a training schedule that you follow or do you play it by ear? I have a weekly mileage goal, but when I run really depends on my work schedule.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Remind me

I was lame and didn't take any pictures today.

We had a pretty good day at work, only 7 kiddos, but we somehow ended up with 4 incident reports. 3 were because of klutzy kids, one was because of a bite. They're two, what can you do?

They were a bit of a mess. I think they were all overtired from the sunny weekend - we had some nice, long naps today.

I used my peaceful nap time to do some lesson planning. I probably have about half of May planned out, and it's only the 14th!

No run today since I did 10 miles yesterday, which is ok, because I'm pretty low energy again today.

There's a local running group (the one that puts on the two races I ran in Sleepy Hollow) that meets up for group runs several times a week. I couldn't make it to any weekday runs because of work, but I have been thinking I might try to make it to one of the weekend ones. The bummer? They meet at 8am on Saturday and Sunday. That's SO early for the weekend!

I haven't run with other people in a really long time (possibly high school?), I hear it can be fun. I think it might also be a good way for me to finally get to know some more people around here. Remind me of these facts on Friday night when I don't want to set my alarm!

Do you run with a group or are you a solo runner? Which do you prefer?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Charmingly sweaty

I woke up this morning and didn't want to do anything. Nothing whatsoever.


So, basically, I wanted to be Buddy for a day.

Instead, today was chock full of errands and chores.

I went to the grocery store, CVS and the gas station this morning. After I put all my groceries away, I started my laundry and tackled the dishes.

Between Buddy and me, there's a lot of hair that needs sweeping, so I spent some time sweeping and did a half-hearted swiffering.

Gross fact: Buddy drools A LOT when I'm getting his food ready. This leaves drool spots all over the tile in the kitchen/hallway. It took multiple swiffer pads to clean them up.

The floor now looks 500% better.

Remember when I said I was going to do 6 or 7 miles today? Well, I was watching Spirit of the Marathon on Netflix and ended up running 10. Oops.

A charmingly sweaty after photo for you.

Buddy doesn't like long run days, he doesn't have the endurance to run with me.

But he is an excellent stretching partner - sort of.

My awesome view while I drank my post-run smoothie.

I saw my reflection in the door and thought, "Wow, that girl looks like a runner!" It could be the compression socks with shorts look that does it.

Now it's time to do a little lesson planning (I will get them done early this month! Maybe.) and eat some dinner.

Considering my attitude when I woke up, this turned out to be a pretty productive day!

Were you productive this weekend or did you get to relax? I think I managed a pretty good balance, for once!
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