Sunday, July 20, 2014

That time I ran 12 miles without my headphones

It is basically impossible for me to get out the door early on Sundays. Even though I was up at 7, I didn't make it out to the trails until 9. Oh well.

I wore my new shorts and fuel belt again today, I'm really liking both of them!

I finally got to the trails, went to turn on my headphones (they're bluetooth) and discovered that the battery was dead. Rather than drive home, I decided to do as many miles as I could mentally handle and then finish up my run at home on the treadmill if necessary.

My run ended up being an exercise in mental toughness, but I managed to finish the 12 miles @ 10:36 pace. Most of the time I had the last song that was playing in the car stuck in my head, with occasional thoughts like "this trail can't be uphill all the time, it has to end eventually."

Back at home I did my traditionally thrilling Sunday activities: laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, etc.

Buddy refused to come in from the back deck, so I closed the door on him. There's nothing he hates more than being left behind. (Look how big my tomato plant is getting!)

I tried these on my run today:

I got them in my RunnerBox yesterday - they're kind of weird. They are little pellets that sort of melt in your mouth, and they are very salty. Once you get past the saltiness, the flavor isn't bad, and they seemed to do their job.

For the record: they do not stay in their little bag if you put them back in your fuel belt and run a while. I ended up with Electro-Bite powder all over my phone and the inside of my fuel belt. Awesome.


  1. Yikes! I hate when I get to my trail and then discover my ipod is dead or my earphones don't work.
    Salty vanilla sounds like an odd combination but I would be more likely to try them instead of the energy bits ( which have algae in them)

    1. I was seriously considering driving home to get my other headphones. It was a long run without any distractions!

      I don't think I would want to eat algae either! :)

    2. Wow you better tell me what was running through your head all that time, I would've gotten bored!

    3. I was taking all the scenery in, which I don't always do, and paying more attention to my form. I spent a lot of time cursing the hills and trying to figure out what trail I was on! :)


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