Monday, July 28, 2014

A brief book rant

I'm sort of a book addict. I have stayed up reading past my bedtime since I was young enough to have a bedtime. I used to get scolded for being anti-social because I preferred (prefer?) books to people. And while more books are pretty much always better, there are exceptions to that rule.


Some books are meant to stand alone. They should leave you wanting more, yes, but that doesn't mean that there's another book (or two) that needs to be written. I would rather be left wanting more than be given more and be disappointed.

I find more and more books lately are being written with the intention of being part of a trilogy. They are not all worthy of such a plan. Sometimes the story is not strong enough to carry on. There are some wonderful series out there, and I understand that more books (in theory) means more money for those involved, but there's a certain quality that gets lost in the quest for profit.

So please, if the story is told, accept it and move on. Don't reach for more and destroy the story and characters in the process.


  1. I think it's because trilogies/series is where the $ is right now and those are the most popular books. I'm REALLY getting tired of young adult dystopian books (Hunger Games, Maze Runner, etc.). I too get annoyed when the goal of the author is sales vs. a just plain good book!

    1. p.s. I'm really glad Anatomy for Runners isn't a trilogy because the exercises in just that book are bad enough! LOL!

    2. I know, everything is a series, and it's all about the end of the world!

      I think doing the exercises in a trilogy of Anatomy for Runners would be a full time job!


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