Thursday, October 9, 2014

Nerves and cleaning house

It's weird not going to work. Don't get me wrong, I love not waking up at 5:30 every morning and working 10+ hours, but it still feels weird.

It gives me more time to play with filters on my phone, which is obviously really important.

Tom and I (mostly Tom) cleaned pretty much the whole house today. It really freaked Buddy out. He was especially not a fan of the vacuum.

There were many variations of his concerned face throughout the afternoon.

It was pretty cute.

Today was the last run on my training plan before my race on Sunday (3 days!). I did a couple of mile repeats and then felt a little lost when I finished my cool down.

There's something about the last run before a race that makes me start getting nervous. I know I've put the work in and should relax and trust my training, but I can't help but think about things I could have done differently, and things that could happen on race day.

I know I'll be fine once I'm running on Sunday, I just have to deal with my nerves until then.

Side note: my new shirt definitely shows sweat. Also, why is the left side of my chest so sweaty?

In house hunting news: The cute blue house is out. The owners accepted another offer, so we are back to looking.

My mom was supposed to get here tomorrow night, but, true to form, Kodiak Island will not let her leave (there's a reason people call it "The Rock"). The weather was too bad and her flight was cancelled. In theory, she will be here Saturday night now. Keep your fingers crossed!

Oh! The grocery store would like you to get ready for Christmas already. I just thought you should know.

 It's not even Halloween yet!

I'm all for Christmas, but not until after Thanksgiving. At this rate, Christmas decorations will be in the stores before back to school stuff soon.


  1. I'm trying to get there! I'm on stand by for the last flight out tonight. The rain let up a bit. A flight made it in. Then If I get to Seattle I will work on getting out earlier. Or...visiting Nora:) Bought her some cute little clothes:) Can't wait to see you guys. Buddy looks like he really likes cleaning!

    1. Oh yes, Buddy loved all the cleaning - he kept running away from the vacuum. Big chicken.

      Can't wait until you get here!


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