Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Headphones, Yoga Toes and Buddy

Four days until race day - how did that happen?

We are making progress on the house cleaning process. This morning, Tom tackled the basement. As much as we hate cleaning, we love when things are clean!

Buddy supervised the basement organization while I ran on the treadmill.

I had another easy 3 miler on the schedule for today. It's funny how short that feels now.

I have been trying to figure out the best combination of ear buds/cushions for my headphones. It was weird to wear them on the treadmill, but I think I have them sorted out now. Hopefully.

After my run I spent a little quality time with my Yoga Toes. I love how they stretch and relax my feet after a run - the trick is remembering to use them! I remember them just about as often as I remember to stretch - oops!

I'll leave you with some pictures of the funny ways Buddy sleeps.

Hope you're having a good Wednesday! :)

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  1. While purchasing headphones we must try different size and shapes; the goal is to get the best possible sealing out of external noise.


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