Friday, October 10, 2014

Twitter makes me feel old

Physically speaking, I didn't do a lot today. It was kind of nice, but also made me feel really lazy.

I did, however, attend a SweatGuru webinar (made up words like this make me feel old) about engaging and increasing your twitter following. I'm new to twitter. I resisted it for a long time, and didn't really think that I had a use for it.

Buddy helped keep me focused.

I have been using twitter for about a week  now, and I am slowly starting to figure out all the RTs and the much-mocked hashtag.

Are you on twitter? You should follow me - @ksoherestheplan - we'll figure out what a twitter party is and have one! ;) (I kid, I mostly know what that is now)

This is what Buddy does every morning while I make coffee. He lurks just around the corner until I fill his food bowl.

Buddy and I did go for a short walk around the neighborhood so I didn't feel like a total slug today.

My mom finally made it off the island this morning, but she has so many crazy connecting flights that she is spending the night at my brother's in Seattle and will get here tomorrow night. I have zero patience and want her to be here yesterday.


  1. I attended the SweatGuru webinar too! When I first joined twitter several months ago my head nearly exploded...over time and after observing for quite some time I *think* I have it mostly figured out!

    1. I think observing is definitely a big part of figuring it out, give me a few months ;)

  2. I'm on twitter but definitely need to utilize it more. I'm @fairytalesnfit. I'll follow you!

  3. I'm on twitter but definitely need to utilize it more. I'm @fairytalesnfit. I'll follow you!

  4. I have a Twitter but other than my blog posts (they auto post to Twitter) I have post anything. I don't really get it. I mean I GET it, but I don't like it.

    1. p.s. llooooooooove that JT & JF video. Those two are fantastic together.

    2. Have you seen their "History of Rap" videos? They're awesome.

  5. I don't understand Twitter either! I am on twitter but I don't tweet. I use it to stalk Big Brother and Survivor contestants hahaha.

    1. There are a ton of twitter contests, it's crazy. I've decided to just jump in and pretend like I know what's happening! :)


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