Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Post Race Recovery

Happy Wednesday!

My mom and I spent most of yesterday playing with a 12 month old. There are worse ways to spend your day.

Buddy was pouting because Tom was hanging out with a friend in the city.

I haven't even attempted a run yet. On Monday, Mom and I took Buddy for a long walk, but otherwise I have been taking it easy.

How long do you take off after a race? It really varies for me, mostly depending on how sore I am, and how long the race is. I have seen recommendations to rest anywhere from 5-13 days after a half. Generally, I take a few days completely off, and then hold off on any tough workouts for close to two weeks. I've even been trying to stretch and foam roll this time around.

I definitely pushed myself on Sunday, so I still have some pretty sore muscles. Plus, having my mom here is a good excuse to take it easy for a few extra days. :)


  1. Dang 5-13 days sounds like forever after just a half marathon. I don't mean JUST, but I don't think 2 hours of running would beat your body up quite as bad as a marathon. Even Hal Higdon's post marathon recovery plan involves easy jogging on the 4th day I think. That being said, you totally have to listen to your body and do what feels best for you! I always like it when my big races are over because then I feel like I can be lazy and just run easy for a week or two.

    1. I can't even imagine what my body would feel like after a marathon! I will probably try a few easy miles tomorrow and see where I'm at.

    2. I don't think I will ever do a marathon for that reason! (among the HOURS of training required). I hope your run went well!

  2. I've actually heard that you take off one day for every mile your race was. So for 13.1 miles you would take off 13 days. I don't follow that and I don't really agree with it because after a full that would mean 26 days of rest! I guess everyone has their theories on proper just do what feels good for you!

    1. I've heard the one day per mile thing too! That seems way too long, but I definitely take it easy for a few days! :)

    2. I could totally do a marathon then if I got to take off 26 days after! Ha ha ha!


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