Saturday, October 11, 2014

Packet Pickup

Tomorrow is race day!

This morning I drove up to the packet pickup, even though it is a 1 1/2 hour drive...each way.

In my defense, I've never been there before, so I wanted to have a better idea of where it was at. I also get super anxious right before races, and the idea of doing packet pickup the morning of the race kind of freaks me out.

The race starts at the Duchess County Fairgrounds. They're pretty big, and I had to walk a ways from where I parked to find the packet pickup.

It's a pretty small race (the 5K and half combined are capped at 1200 runners), so pickup was a breeze. I didn't even have to wait in line!

Tom keeps calling this my "Canadian race" because the only used red on the shirt.

Now I just have to neurotically check the weather, re-read old recaps of the race, and decide what I'm going to wear.

My mom is finally on her last flight and we are heading to pick her up from the airport shortly! Her arrival will be a nice distraction from the pre-race jitters. :)

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