Saturday, October 18, 2014

Limited edition EVERYTHING!

I attempted my first run since the race on Thursday.

I wanted to wait a few days since last time I tried to get back at it too soon afterwards and had a really frustrating run. I ran 4 easy miles while I watched a Gilmore girls episode. I wasn't crazy fast, and my legs were definitely more tired than they should be at the end, but overall it was a good run.

It's always hard for me to get back to running after a race, I'm kind of lost without my training plan.

Mom and I took Buddy on a long walk yesterday afternoon. He slept all afternoon. Mom had fun playing tourist and taking leaf pictures.

We have mostly been relaxing and visiting since my mom got here. We haven't even made it down to NYC yet, but we are planning on going next week.

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, we haven't done most of the things we talked about doing. We want to go play tourist in the city, visit an apple orchard, and go to our local brewery (we all love beer) at the very least.

We also have busy things going on here at home, because we're hoping to get the place listed early next week. Pretty soon we will have to live super neat and tidy in case people want to come look at the house.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I kind of have a lip balm addiction. There are probably 6 in my purse and tons laying around the house. I got this at Target the other day.

Remember what I said about my weakness for limited edition flavors of things? That goes for lip balm too. :) And this isn't as crazy-sweet as it seems like it would be. It doesn't have a flavor, just smells yummy.

Hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. You crack me up with all of your limited edition flavors. LOL! I also have a lip gloss/balm addiction. Right now I'm hooked on either Burt's Bees or that kind in the little pink round container...forgot the name. I also like Mary Kay lip gloss. I have one of those on ALL. THE. TIME. I even put lip gloss on before I run!

    Which Gilmore Girls episode are you on? Maybe we should plan to run & watch the same one and philosophize. LOL Today I watched the one where Rory goes golfing w/ her grandpa & has a great time, and then in the next episode she & her mom get in a big fight over boob size. LOL!

    1. I absolutely must have lip gloss before I run. Otherwise I spend the whole run thinking about how much I need lip gloss.

      My mom and I watched a few episodes the other night, so I just finished the one where Rory goes to the school dance. I have, however, watched every single episode at least 4 times, so I can always discuss them with you :) The boob size argument cracks me up - "your boobs are totally bigger!"

    2. I haven't seen that one yet I don't think. Tonight I watched the one where with her birthday parties. Seriously I can't believe I've never watched that show before. It's so good! Thank goodness there are 7 seasons. It should last me the winter on the treadmill. Unless I lounge around all afternoon and watch 2-3 episodes like I did today!

      I do the same thing w/ lip gloss before a run. I end up licking my lips 1000 times. I think we might have a problem?


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