Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Buddy's sad eyes and a new race photo

This is pretty much how I start every morning.

He just sits there while I make coffee and practices his sad eyes until I fill his food dish.

My mom pretty much only gets her hair cut when she's visiting me. We are both pretty laid back/lazy about our hair (I haven't gotten mine cut since about March...of 2013).

So this morning we walked to our little downtown area for her appointment. I sat and looked properly disheveled - with hair that really needed washing - in their fancy lobby area while she got her hair cut.

I tried a little side braid action to try to make my hair a little more presentable.

I kept waiting for someone to suggest that I should also make an appointment, but they were much too polite for that :)

We had  to re-inflate Mom's air mattress last night (we had put it away for realtor pictures) - Buddy was his usual helpful self.

And did I mention we had shrimp tacos for dinner? I would eat them every day. For real.

And I got my official race photo from the finish line - I took a picture of it because I'm too lazy to scan it.


  1. Oh those sad eyes on Buddy. Leaving our pups in the morning is just the worst!

  2. That's an AWESOME race photo! You should print that one out and hang it by your TM to remind yourself how much you love race finishes!

    I can't believe you haven't had your hair cut in over a year! It looks so healthy.

    1. Thanks! I have a few race photos that I would like to get into a frame one of these days. They would definitely be good TM motivation! :)


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