Thursday, October 23, 2014

Rainy day in NYC

We finally got our act together and did some of the things we have been talking about doing. It's about time too, because Mom is leaving tomorrow night. 

Yesterday we went to the Captain Lawrence brewery for a few samples.

We also got a couple of growlers filled to go with our dinner.

This morning we convinced Mom that she couldn't come all the way from Alaska and not go into NYC, and took the train into the city.

She liked the train ride.

We had lunch at Lombardi's.

 And Tom taught Mom how to correctly eat NY pizza (for those not in the know - fold it!).

We stopped by the 9/11 Memorial, which is beautiful and extremely sad at the same time.

And checked out One World Trade, which disappeared into the clouds.

Our last stop was the Holiday Shops at Bryant Park. They just opened this week, so we had perfect timing!

We had fun looking through the shops, and I got the waffle I was thinking about all day. If you go to the Holiday Shops, look for the Wafels & Dinges cart and get a Liège waffle. Tom and I get ours plain, but they have all kinds of toppings you can get too. 

So good!

After the waffle Holiday Shops, we walked back to Grand Central for the train home.

As a continuation of our super healthy eats for the day, dinner is going to be Chinese takeout. What? We're on vacation or something. ;)

Have you been to NYC? Do you like big cities?


  1. Oh I love NYC! How far away are you from there? How often do you get to go?

    1. We're only a 45 minute train ride from the city (we're North of the city). I don't go very often (probably a few times a year), but Tom sometimes has to go in for work.

  2. Even in the rain, it looks like fun!

    1. We did a lot of umbrella dodging, but otherwise we had a great time! :)

  3. You are so lucky to be close to NYC! Looks like a great visit! I want to see the World Trade Center memorial too but I know it will be sad. It just seems like one of those things that all Americans should see at some point. Maybe I will come to NYC and hire you as my tour guide. :)

    1. We would have to bring Tom, he's my NYC GPS ;)


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