Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I've got a dinosaur on my head

The neighbors have been putting some really random things in the recycling shed lately.

I got a fun package in the mail from my aunt yesterday. It had some new music for the kiddos. They are already obsessed with the song "I've got a dinosaur on my head," or as they call it, "Dinosaur my head." We listened to it a ridiculous number of times today.

It has also been stuck in my head all evening.

She also sent me a potholder for our cast-iron skillet (shown here with my awesome orange potholders that my dad made - we're a crafty family).

I wanted to test out the "burst mode" on my phone's camera, so naturally I used Buddy as my test subject.

We started with a denta-stick.

And then

This picture makes me laugh so hard!

And a happy mutt.

Today was a rest day on my training plan, so I got caught up on dishes (didn't I just do that?) and enjoyed getting to sit down for a few minutes since I'm on my feet all day. I have mile repeats on the agenda tomorrow, I'm both nervous and excited for them!

Now I'm off to get things done so I can go to bed at a reasonable hour - I was just shy of 8 hours last night, according to my fitbit - way more sleep than I have been getting lately!


  1. oh man. 8 hours sounds heavenly. the one draw back about my fitbit is that it reminds me how little sleep i get at night :) it's terrible.

    1. I hate when it shows me the little down arrow by the sleep summary to tell me that I slept less this week than last week - like I don't know!

  2. I love home made pot holders. I could use some more of them. Buddy is always so cute!

    1. Homemade pot holders are way better than store bought. Not just because someone made them for you, but I've never burned myself when using them, I can't say the same for store bought ones.

      Buddy is quite the character, I'm glad I have him around to keep me company!


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