Friday, May 9, 2014

I'm an excellent example

Happy Friday!

It's been such a long time since I have had my usual Friday assistant at work, but she was back today! They have needed her in another class the last few weeks (they are currently between lead teachers). The other class wanted me to give her back today. No way.

We only had 7 kiddos and had a generally mellow day. We also gave the moms their Mother's Day gift - I think they turned out pretty cute.

It is laminated, and I'm a lazy photographer, so it looks a little warped. Oh well.

We're having a picnic at work tomorrow. It's supposed to rain, which means it will probably end up being inside, in the same hallways I walk all day long during the week. Boo. I'm not really excited to be giving up more of my precious free time, but it's the one weekend event that we do all year and almost all of my class has said they're going. I guess I can part with a couple of hours on a Saturday just this once.

I had a ridiculous snack-a-thon for dinner. It just kind of happened. And now I'm having ice cream.

I'm an excellent example.

Barring crazy weather, I'm planning on meeting up with the group for a run again in the morning. I've been looking forward to it all week, even though it means setting an alarm on a Saturday.

What are you looking forward to this weekend?


  1. omg, i just got choked up at that little poem. i'm officially one of those cry-at-everything moms. sigh.

    1. Awe, that's just the reaction I was going for! :)


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