Friday, May 30, 2014

It feels lazy to not run

Happy Friday!

A couple of my kiddos were out of town today, so I only had 6 in my class. It was really nice!

I've been trying to be smart about running since the weird popping in my foot hasn't gone away. It feels really lazy to not run though. I decided that a few missed runs the week before the race isn't going to make a huge difference, and I'd rather be able to run the race next week without hurting myself.

I took a few pictures of the plants on the side of the house the other day.

Things are about to get pretty colorful out there!

Tom is making dinner and we're relaxing/he's packing tonight.

I hope you're having a great Friday!


  1. Hope your foot pain is not too serious! Have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Thanks! The foot isn't bad, it just feels off, and luckily it seems to be happier today!

  2. Your plants are gorgeous! Sorry about your foot. :(

    1. I can't take any responsibility for the plants, they're pretty self-sufficient ;)

  3. I'm envious of your plants. They are beautiful. Take care of your popping foot. Tell Tom safe travels.


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