Monday, January 6, 2014

Melted snowmen

Buddy misses Tom.

He still checks all the rooms when I get home to see if Tom is hiding in one of them.

Another new kiddo started today so we had nine at school today. Nine is a lot of two year olds. We made it through the day without having to write any incident reports and everyone napped so I feel like we won. Plus the only major meltdown happened when I told one little girl not to sit on another little girl. I was clearly out of line on that one. Silly me.

I put this up today. The bottom part had some problems and I can't figure out how to make a mouth that doesn't look creepy (I might try again tomorrow). But otherwise it is pretty cute.

We painted melted snowmen at art today. I spaced on taking a picture but they turned out pretty cute. They painted the "snowman" part with shaving cream and glue and then they each had construction paper buttons, a scarf, a nose and googly eyes to glue to the paper. They'll be joining the cup snowman on the bulletin board tomorrow.

I got to have a "short" (normal length) work day today and only worked until 3. It was really nice.


  1. That snowman is so creative! Sounds like your day at work was a success!

    1. Thank you! I spotted it on Pinterest and thought "I can totally do that!"

  2. That snowman is so creative! Sounds like your day at work was a success!

  3. That snowman is so creative! Sounds like your day at work was a success!


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