Saturday, April 19, 2014

First group run in years!

I know you're wondering, and yes, I did set my alarm and met up with that group run this morning. And I am so glad that I did! 

My stomach this morning felt like I was getting ready for a race. My mind was going crazy with nervous questions. What if everyone was faster than me and just left me in the dust? What if I fell? What if I got there late and they already left?

Well, in answer to the falling question, the answer was - get back up and keep running. I have been running on my treadmill so much that I'm not used to having to dodge rocks/tree roots and about 3 1/2 miles in, I wiped out. I took a chunk out of one hand and scraped up the other, but I didn't bleed.

It stings more than it looks like it does.

Everyone was very nice and paused until I jumped back up, and then we were on our way again. They told me I survived my initiation.

The group starts out together and then kind of splits up according to pace. They stop about halfway through to re-group and then head out again, which is good, because the trails we ran on were really confusing. 

Officially (according to my Garmin), I ran 5.06 miles in 49:13, average pace 9:43/mile. My Garmin couldn't find me for the first mile or so and since I know about what time we left I feel pretty confident in saying we did a little over 6 miles in just under an hour.

I will definitely be running with them again. 6 miles never went so fast! Everyone was really nice, and it turns out I like running with other people, even if I did worry that I was slowing them down a bit.

Buddy is a little hurt that I didn't take him with me, but he's not really up for 6 miles yet.

We're planning on a nice long walk this afternoon when I need a break from lesson planning, so I think he'll forgive me.

When was your last running wipe out? Were there witnesses?


  1. That is an awesome pace for a trail run! I don't think I've ever run trails under 10 before. Sorry you fell but I agree--it's kind of a rite of passage w/ trail running!

    1. I don't think I've ever run trails in under 10 before either! I was surprised I was able to keep up!

  2. so fun! that gives me hope that i will someday soon get the gumption to seek out and attend my first group run as well.

    1. Oh, you should! It made me run a faster pace than usual, and time flew by because I was chatting with different people most of the time.


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