Friday, April 11, 2014

I'm an awesome chef like that.

Happy Friday!

We had a pretty relaxed day at work today (if you can ever spend a day with a bunch of two year olds and call it relaxed). There's a lot of staffing drama going on right now, but (other than my crazy hours) it doesn't really affect me, and I do my best to stay out of it.

After work, I put in a few miles on the treadmill before making dinner. I made this burger, only I used bison instead of chicken.

I set off the smoke detector a couple of times and somehow managed to burn the bun. I'm an awesome chef like that.

It doesn't photograph well, but it was delicious.

Anything with avocado is delicious. You can quote me on that.

Where do you stand on avocado? I'm of the opinion that it should be eaten as often as possible, but then, I was born in California.

What runs do you have planned for the weekend? I am planning on 4 or 5 on Saturday and a long run (probably 7 or 8) on Sunday.


  1. Hey, I just happened across your blog and thought I'd say hi!

    I'm a huge fan of avocados! I actually just scope them out and eat them plain. YUM!

    Sorry that you've been working so much. Enjoy your runs this weekend. I'm not sure if I'll get any miles in or not. My husband is working tomorrow and we have guests staying with, finding time might be tricky.

    1. Hi! :)

      Plain avocados are so good! I don't understand people who don't love them - more for us I guess!

      Hope you find time to sneak away for a run!


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