Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A wild, wacky Wednesday

For some reason, all the children at work today (in all the classes) were completely insane this morning. My kids have been so good lately that this came out of nowhere! We spent a while outside, but even that didn't calm them down. It was a room full of hypersensitive, hyperactive toddlers. There was a lot of screaming.

I had put off our monthly cooking project long enough, so I brought in supplies today and hoped for the best! Since we are talking bugs this month, we made "dirt" cupcakes.

The kids always love doing cooking activities, they just don't like that they have to take turns stirring and dumping in ingredients. Plus they know we get to eat what we make at afternoon snack!

Somehow, even after the cupcakes, they were much more mellow in the afternoon. Maybe they were just tired?

I didn't get out of work until 6 today, and I am really trying to push through and finish my lesson plans, so I didn't get a run in. On the bright side, I just need to figure out next month's sensory bin and write my monthly newsletter and then I'm done! The rest of my plans are finished! After last weekend, I wasn't sure it was going to ever happen.

We have some new play equipment in one of the yards at work (there are 4 sections of play yards around the outside of our building). It's the one we generally use, so we are excited and a little bummed, because we can't go out there until Tuesday when all the concrete (cement?) is dry on the equipment.

It will be interesting to see what my kids can actually use, some of it looks a little too tall and a little too advanced for us!

Was your Wednesday crazy or calm?


  1. i stay home with my little one on wednesdays, so they are always crazy. although, i somehow got some stuff done, so that's a bonus :)

    did your helper start today? or is that next week? hopefully tomorrow will be better :)

    1. My helper is supposed to start next week - I'm really excited!

  2. I love that Dirt dessert. It's funny how I never had it as a kid, but only discovered it as an adult. I guess maybe parent and teachers weren't that creative when we were kids. All we got was Jello!

    1. The kids loved it, though one made me wipe all the cookie off of his gummi worm before he would eat it. Kids are funny!

  3. The dirt desserts are so cute!! I remember having that once in junior high and everyone thought it was so funny! My Wednesday was CRAZY. I have a really busy week coming up!

    1. Thanks! I've only seen the dirt dessert as a cake before (I think it's really cute when people do it in a flower pot with a fake flower in there too!) but I figured the kids would love it. They love chocolate and anything remotely gross! :)


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