Monday, April 21, 2014

Mostly food.

My breakfast of champions.

I'm doing much better today, though my stomach isn't quite right yet. We had our usual 9 Monday kiddos and had a generally pleasant day.

One of my munchkins informed me (out of nowhere) that "Superman is stronger than Hulk smash" - now you know.

I had dishes piled up from days ago so rather than spend a ridiculous amount of time washing them, I loaded up the dishwasher after work. I felt both smart and lazy at the same time.

For dinner I had roasted veggies, rice, and chicken sausage. I don't feel at all bad about the size of this plate (it was a lot of food) because it's mostly veggies and also because I barely ate this weekend.

Oh, and I tried this from my RunnerBox today:

It was exactly what it said it was, and very tasty. There were sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, raisins and dried cherries. It was a nice mix, and a good quick snack!

I was responsible (boooooring) and didn't run today. It seemed wrong to run within 12 hours of having a fever, especially since I don't have a race coming up anytime soon. Hopefully I'll get out of work before 6 tomorrow and get a run in.

Oh! And my new afternoon part-timer starts next week! After a few days training her I will be able to leave after a reasonable length shift! I have been working such crazy hours that this is going to feel like I'm working part-time, it's going to be amazing! 

What was something tasty you ate today?


  1. i love that coffee/prescription mug! so cute :)

    1. Isn't it? Tom got it for me for Christmas - we're both coffee addicts. :)

  2. Your breakfast looks pretty tasty, as does your snack!


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