Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Snowpocalypse 2015?

Oh hey, sorry for the silence the last couple days! I woke up Monday morning feeling a bit "off" and things went downhill from there. I had a fever all day and zero energy. I basically did nothing other than walk the dog in every coat I own (chills!) and pick up Tom at the train station. Everything pretty much shut down yesterday afternoon/evening because of the snowpocalypse we were supposed to be getting (the forecast at one point called for 20 inches!), so he came home early.

Before I was out of commission, I hit the grocery store for dinner things while everyone else in town was buying everything in the store in case the snow storm turned into a zombie movie. I have never seen the parking lot so full!

The funny thing is that we ended up getting about 4 inches of snow, if that.

I'm still pretty much couch-bound, the fever is lower but definitely sticking around.

Fun fact of the day: Buddy loves cuties, but knows he shouldn't beg. So when I'm eating cuties, he sits a respectful distance away and stares at me until I call him over.

It's a compromise.


  1. I hear lots of locations didn't get anything near what they predicted! Having worked as a grocery store cashier for five years, I can relate to the chaos that ensues when they predict bad weather!
    I love your dog!! How do you say no to a face like that?

    1. I guess it's better to get way less than way more snow than they predicted!

      I'm convinced that Buddy practices his sad looks when we're not around - he is pretty cute though! :)

  2. that is what our stores look like when they say a hurricane is coming! Feel better soon!

    1. People are so funny! I'm definitely doing a lot better today, the fever finally went away, now I just need to get my energy back so I can get back to running! :)

  3. It always cracks me up the way people buy milk and bread. Those certainly aren't the things I worry about running out of. Hope you feel better!

    1. I thought it was especially funny because even if we did get all that snow, it would only be a day or two until the roads were cleared - it's not like we were talking about a week long storm or anything. My mom was like, "do you have food, dog food and beer? - you're good." :)

  4. It's was a big let down. I'm glad new York City didn't get more snow but I thought it was going to be a lot worse.

    1. We were hoping for a little more, but I'm glad it wasn't a huge mess!


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