Friday, January 23, 2015

Essential Things and Bruising

After running around all day yesterday, today was a much slower pace.

I had a leisurely morning with my beloved coffee and caught up on all the blogs I didn't get to read yesterday.

I went to the store to buy really essential things like molasses (so I could make gingersnaps) and tortilla chips (because they were on sale). It's impossible for me to go to the store and not buy a bunch of random stuff.

My run today was a nice, easy 2 miles with some bad tv (Vampire Diairies, I'm not proud). My ankle is still hurting a bit, but I might have figured out what is causing it.

When I first started skating in roller derby, I had a lot of bruising on my ankles from my skates for the first few weeks (months?) of practice.

Note the ankle brace above, that was for padding, not stability.

I bruise ridiculously easily. I've been wearing a new pair of waterproof boots a lot more lately to walk Buddy, and I think that's what has been irritating my ankle. So, I am taking a break from the boots and we'll see if the pain stays away. I'm also planning on wearing thicker socks the next time I take those boots out.

And since I have nothing else exciting to tell you, here are a couple of cute Buddy pictures to start your weekend off right!

Any exciting weekend plans?


  1. Cute pup! I actually went to Costco the other day and ONLY bought the two things I needed. The cashier was totally shocked to see someone purchase just two things LOL.

    1. Wow! I bet a 2 item purchase is pretty much unheard of at Costco. Nice self-control! :)

  2. Hope that works on your ankle. Loose boots can really rub. I'm sorry for giving you the bruising gene:) and Buddy is cute as ever!

    1. I'll take it, you gave me some other pretty good genes too! :)

  3. Buddy pics are always good! It's Figure Skating Nationals so I am absorbed in that all weekend. My Super Bowl.

    1. I really wanted to take figure skating lessons when I was in elementary school - I used to read an ice skating book series, too! We didn't live near an ice rinks though, so that didn't pan out.

  4. I hope you are right and your boots are causing the problem! Are you anemic? That can make you bruise more easily. I bruise easily too (even when not anemic) but I think it's because I'm so pale they all show up. LOL

    I am in St. Louis right now to watch my BFF get pinned as chief in the Coast Guard. It's a fun little getaway! I'll be heading home this afternoon though.

    1. I am usually borderline anemic, I haven't been tested in a while. I do try to take a supplement, but I'm really bad about it. I also have the super pale problem :)

    2. Well probably one of those or both then! :)


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