Saturday, January 17, 2015

Not this year

Those of you that follow running news probably already know that the lottery for the NYC marathon opened up this week.

Up until a few days ago, I was planning to throw my name in and see what happened. But I got to thinking about how much money it would cost to run NYC (it's a $255 registration fee), and it even costs a little bit to put your name in the lottery ($11). There are a lot of other options nearby when it comes to marathons, and most of them are at least half the price of NYC. So at least for this year, I'm ok not sitting around in the cold for hours and hours before the race, and running with a completely scary number of people and paying an obscene amount of money for the privilege to do so.

So I'm still on the lookout for a fall marathon to sign up for - I've got time.

Friday was a slow day for me. I spent some quality time with my ice pack and watched a cute movie - The Other Woman.

I spent the evening babysitting and making some money. I didn't get home until almost 12:30.

I still don't know what this stuff was, but thankfully, it wasn't real nail polish.

A 3 year old with real nail polish would be terrifying. This stuff just wiped right off, which is good, because she painted half her foot with it.

My ankle is still sore, but it's definitely feeling better. I skipped running with the group this morning, which bummed me out, but it was the smart thing to do. I may attempt a little dvd workout action today (and obviously stop if it hurts). We'll see.

For now, I'm off to find some food.

I hope your weekend is off to a good start!

Did any of you enter the NYC Marathon lottery?


  1. Holy cats I can't believe the marathon is so expensive!! I think your decision to find a smaller one is wise. I happen to know a very nice one here in the midwest. You could come see what it's like in the land of all things flat. :) Actually it's a nice race--I think you cross the Mississippi four times. A couple thousand people, cheap entry fee... You can just ignore that whole plane ticket/hotel room part when making a decision. LOL!

    Babysitting sounds fun! Obviously I have my own kids but playing with others' kids and then getting to go home and leave them behind sounds pretty fun. I miss those days!

    1. hahaha that's the flattest course map I've ever seen!

      Babysitting just a couple kids is so mellow compared to my teaching days - it's really fun to be able to play with them for a while and then go home where it's quiet :)

  2. I always love the smaller races, I'm not really into all the crazyness that comes with the bigger races. Sounds like a much better decision to me!

    1. I really like small races too - it's always a fun group of people :)

  3. I had no idea that's how those lottery's worked. I'm sure you'll find a better fall race! Come do the Hershey Half Marathon! ( I hear it's the sweetest race on


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