Thursday, January 8, 2015

A little Speedwork and a Fussy Dog

I know speedwork is good for me. It's like strength training or going to the dentist. It's one of those things I just don't like, but I know I should do.

It was stupid cold outside again today so I dragged myself down to the basement to run some 800m repeats.

I did 6x800 with a 1 mile warm up, 400m jogs between intervals, and a 1200m cool down to make it an even 6 miles.

This is what my intervals looked like (pace in parentheses in case you hate math):

  1. 4:00 (8:00)
  2. 3:56 (7:52)
  3. 3:54 (7:48)
  4. 3:51 (7:42)
  5. 3:49 (7:38)
  6. 3:45 (7:30)
I wanted to stop after about 3, but I didn't, and of course I was glad that I didn't quit. Well, glad might be a bit of an overstatement. I would have been mad at myself if I stopped. That's more accurate.

I haven't deliberately done any speedwork since my last race in October, so it was good to do a little before my training officially starts for the West Point half next week. I have an 11 week training plan for whatever reason. It's already on my computer, so it works.

This is Buddy's new favorite thing:

It has been ridiculously cold out the last few days, and once Buddy was blanketed, he didn't move for over an hour. He loves it, and later burrowed his face into the blanket. He's a fair-weather pooch and does not like the cold (or the heat). Fussy dog.

Speedwork: love it, hate it, pretend it doesn't exist?


  1. Good for you, I personally hate speedwork....but I do it because I know its good for me. Dammit. Your dog is ridic cute, that's how I like to sleep too ;)

    1. Don't you just hate things that are good for you? ;) Buddy is pretty cute, and he knows it!

  2. Buddy!! Next he'll be wearing pajamas. I just know it! Good job on the speedwork. I'm horrible about making myself do it.

    1. I'm pretty sure Buddy would love some pajamas for the winter - he's not a fan of the cold.

  3. FYI dog pajamas are a thing. I didn't make that up. LOL I used to have greyhounds and it's common for them to wear PJ's in the winter (they're desert dogs).

    1. Tom is anti-dressing dogs up in general, plus Buddy is just a wuss ;)

  4. I never do speedwork. I know I need to though. I'm feeling guilty right now. LOL

    1. I certainly don't do it as much as I should! It's definitely hard to make myself do it, but I want to get faster and I hear speedwork is helpful ;)

  5. speedwork- dentist, yup close comparison! great job on getting done! Love the dog blanket, my dog would be jealous!

    1. I'm much happier after speedwork than after the dentist though :)


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