Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Getting Better and New Music

It's crazy how much being sick takes out of you.

My fever finally went away this morning, but my appetite isn't back full force yet, and my energy levels are laughable. Everything I did today took forever. Tom reminded me that I spent pretty much the entire day yesterday on the couch, so I shouldn't expect to be in top form just yet.

Patience is not my strong suit.

I did manage to accomplish a few things today, they just took longer than they should have. I did the dishes (in 15 minute increments because I kept getting tired), two loads of laundry (I even folded it and put it all away!), and walked the pooch (what? that's an accomplishment, I didn't go outside yesterday).

Since I'm not interesting at all today, I thought I would share a couple new (to my playlist) songs.

One Republic - I Lived

Mark Ronson + Bruno Mars - Uptown Funk

And this is just a really cute video - Andy Grammer - Honey I'm Good

Hope you're having a good week!


  1. Glad you're doing better today! Take it easy!

    1. I'm trying - I don't have the patience to take it easy! :)

  2. Take it easy! I'm glad you're starting to feel better.

    1. Thanks :) Being sick is such a waste of time!

  3. Glad you are on the road back to running Becky. Love the videos, very cool:)

    1. Me too! I hate not running. I thought you would like that One Republic one.

  4. I am glad you have turned the corner and are feeling better! Slow and easy, no shame in that!

    1. Thank you :) Slow and easy is no fun - I want to run!

  5. So glad you're starting to feel better. It's amazing how a bug can absolutely sap our energy. Love the Uptown Funk!


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