Monday, December 1, 2014

November running recap and house hunting news

I can't believe it's December already!

I hit 142.8 miles in November! It's safe to say I've never run that much in a month before, so I'm pretty psyched about it. I'm extra excited because I have managed my mileage/speed well and have been injury-free!

That also means I am 103.9 miles away from my goal of 1,000 miles for the year. Totally achievable!

The morning started in the usual fashion (coffee), made a bit more festive by the tree.

Did I tell you we have an offer accepted on the old white farmhouse? It's contingent on the sale of our townhouse, but they've accepted our offer! We've been watching a lot of DIY network shows and thinking about/planning all the things that need to get done once it's ours.

I ran 5 miles on the treadmill (I can't help it, if I'm running alone, I sort of prefer the treadmill) this morning.

Nothing terribly exciting, another episode of Gilmore Girls with Jess stirring up trouble. I actually really liked Jess before he turned all jerk-y, he mixed things up!

And actually, after my run this morning, I'm down to 98.9 miles. Double digits!

Buddy feels like he hasn't been on the blog enough lately.

We'll work on it.


  1. Congrats on the house offer being accepted! I hope your townhouse sells soon. The property of the farmhouse is soooo gorgeous! I can't wait to see more pics once you make it your own.

    And yay for lots of pain-free running!

    I'm almost done w/ the Gilmore Girls. I also didn't mind Jess until he acted like an idiot. I sort of hoped he & Rory would get back together her senior year one he seemed to have fixed his life up a little.

    1. Thanks! It's going to be really exciting when everything gets going with the house!

      Are you on season 7 yet?


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