Wednesday, December 10, 2014

An awesome run, mud and beer

I had an awesome run today. I felt great and my ankle didn't hurt at all...while I was running. It tightened up after I was done, but I didn't feel even the slightest pain while I was running.

6 miles at 8:09 pace thankyouverymuch. I'm still a little baffled by how much faster I am than earlier this year.

I realized that I didn't show you the mud yesterday, so here you go. This is what it looks like all wrapped up.

I iced a bit after my run and then got mudded up. My ankle is feeling better, but who knows what combination of stretching, foam rolling, ice and mud is doing the trick. All I care about is that it's starting to feel a little better.

This afternoon we headed to the Captain Lawrence Brewery to check out some of their new beers, because we like beer.

They have teeny tiny tasting glasses, but they're really cute. Plus we took a growler home.

Now I've got a heating pad on my ankle while we catch up on shows that we've dvr-ed. It's a wild night over here, though I guess that's ok, since it's only Wednesday.


  1. Yay!! Glad your ankle is feeling better!! We like trying new beer, too. I actually just brought home another 6-pack to try. Chris laughed at me because I keep buying it but we never seem to have time to actually drink any!

    1. It's definitely not 100%, but definitely seems like it's getting better! Trying new beer is fun, and there are SO many out there!

  2. Yay for the ankle feeling better! You sure are a speedy runner! -M

    1. Thanks! The ankle is still a little touchy, but it does seem to be getting better! :)


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