Monday, December 15, 2014

Running with Buddy and a Holiday Card Swap

Let's discuss how much I need to be better about cross-training. I have been using an app the last few days that leads me through a series of squats, lunges and bridge moves (because, let's be honest, I won't do it without some outside motivation - lazy much?) and I am SO sore. Apparently running all the time doesn't use any of those muscles, because holy cow are they making themselves known.

Buddy and I went to Rockefeller Preserve for another run today. We managed 3 miles, with
significantly more stops than our last run. Apparently there were better smells to check out today.

This was my attempt at getting a post-run picture of the pooch. He doesn't hold still well.

This month I participated in a Holiday Card Swap organized by the lovely ladies over at Fairytales and Fitness. Each participant got the name and address of another blogger to send a holiday card to.

I finally mailed mine off on Saturday, and was excited to receive a card from Mary Beth of Tutus and Tennies in the mail today! Real mail is the best.

Isn't it cute? Plus she was super-sweet and sent me some iTunes cash - new music here I come!

I finished packaging up all but one Christmas box tonight. Tomorrow I'll be braving the lines at the post office - hopefully they won't be too crazy first thing in the morning!

Now we're watching Night at the Museum (because I've somehow never seen it) and eating ice cream (because it's delicious).

Oh, and I wanted to tell you - ProCompression is having a year end sale - promo code 2014 gets you 42% off anything on the site! It's good through Decmber 19th, so go get yourself some new socks! :)


  1. A run with buddy sounds fun! I haven't had my Labrador running this winter yet and I probably should.
    Thank you so much for participating in the card swap! -M

    1. Running with Buddy is hit and miss, some days he does awesome, and others he is more interested in smelling things along the trail.

      Thank you for organizing the card swap, it was fun! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Haha - I hate the name - "Butt Trainer" It's from the same people as the Runtastic app.


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