Friday, December 12, 2014

Another holiday party and running with Buddy

I'm starting to get all my Christmas things organized. I finally started to work on Christmas cards today, I don't send out an insane amount, so it won't take too long to get them all in the mail. And my goal is to get all my packages ready to go at the same time so I only have to wait in the endless line at the post office one time. We'll see how that goes.

After Wednesday's speedy run, I took it easy on Thursday. A 30 minute run at a reasonable 9:00 pace.

We went to the Rivertown Runners holiday party (my Saturday group) at JP Doyles in Sleepy Hollow for drinks and dinner last night (they also had some of the best jalapeno poppers I've had in a long time - I had...several). It's only taken me since I started running with them in March to officially join the group. I'm legit now, I have a tee shirt to prove it.

As an added bonus, there were tons of leftovers from the party that they sent home with everyone. Why yes, I would love to take home extra pasta!


Buddy and I hit the park for his first run in a long time. He did awesome! We ran 2 miles at an 8:13 pace. 

He's tired now.


And I'm off to demolish some chocolate.


  1. I love that you run with your dog! It makes them (and us) so happy! Mine are old now (almost 15) we manage several walks a day but no more runs. I've been meaning to join the running club near me yet still have not pulled the trigger.

    1. I need to take him out more often, he loves it, but he only lasts about 2 miles and then he's done for the day.

  2. Poor buddy! Looks like he's completely wiped out. LOL! I used to take my dog always, but now that I run a bit faster she gets tired and drags behind after about 2 miles. I miss running w/ her! Glad you had fun w/ your running group. It's fun to do non-running things together sometimes!

    1. I really should take him out with me more often, but I'm usually running longer than he can/should run. He can do about 2 miles and then he's done! :)


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