Thursday, March 20, 2014

The RunnerBox

I'm sure you've seen all those monthly boxes around, they have TONS, with different things in them.

I found this the other day and decided to treat myself to it. It arrived today!

The RunnerBox is pretty cute, and I'm very impressed with their box stuffing skills!

Everything in the box is something I haven't tried (I've had Chia Bars before (and love them), but I haven't tried the apple cinnamon flavor yet), so it will be fun to check it all out.

They also include a card with info about each item:

I'm really excited to try everything out! It was a fun little treat to get in the mail - and I definitely needed it when I got home today. Let's just say that Buddy lost his Wonder Mutt status for the day. Hopefully tomorrow goes better!

I decided not to run today. I'm on my feet all day and I go on two walks a day with Buddy. My legs need to feel rested for Saturday, and they don't right now.

Have you gotten any subscription boxes?


  1. Wow, that's a ton of stuff! Can't wait to hear what you think of all the new products!

    1. I know, I can't believe how much stuff they packed into that little box!

  2. That is a ton of stuff! Like a clown car almost! LOL Glad you took a day to rest. It's great to listen to your body!


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