Saturday, March 8, 2014

My Giant Lap Dog

Buddy and I had a lazy morning, and it was wonderful. I actually slept all night thanks to some lemon flavored (which is actually just horrible flavored) night time alka-seltzer cold medicine.

Buddy got some sun bathing in:

I had macaroni and cheese for breakfast (carb loading for my 10 miler tomorrow?). It just sounded good and I didn't feel like making anything else.

It was a nice day out so we went for a walk so Buddy could stare down all the birds who have decided it's finally spring.

The snow is finally starting to melt!

 He was a pretty happy pooch!

After much laziness and snacking I finally headed to the treadmill. Now, I know that it was really nice out, and I should have gone outside, but I just didn't want to. Since I'm still not feeling awesome I wanted the option of stopping when I felt like it. I didn't need to, but being miles from home and deciding that you don't feel well is never fun.

Buddy seems to think that that when I stretch it is time to be a lap dog. He just plopped down in my lap. He later tried to roll onto his back from this position and fell off my leg. It was pretty funny.

It's Easter candy time! Which means I am eating too much candy. Again (still?).

 What's your favorite candy?

1 comment:

  1. Such a pretty dog!! I love the brindle coloring--it's my favorite! Our dog is brindle, too, but she's more gray/black.


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