Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Two for One

I meant to post last night, and then it didn't happen, so you get two days in one post - a great value! Speaking of great values, our grocery store keeps having buy ONE get TWO free english muffins. It's pretty exciting. I'm all stocked up :)


I finally tackled the dishes that we have been ignoring for days. Dishes are my least favorite part of eating.

The order is eating - cooking - dishes, in case you were wondering.

Buddy is pretty excited that the snow is finally almost gone - there are so many new smells to smell!

 I did laundry and then I pulled everything out of my drawer of running stuff. It turns out that if I fold everything (and put away my heavy duty winter gear) it all actually fits in the drawer. It closes and everything!

So fancy!

Buddy tried to get me to nap in the afternoon, but I still can't nap. Any nap tips would be greatly appreciated.


My run today was 4 easy miles with some Gilmore Girls. I came upstairs to find his highness in my spot on the couch.


We're having some seriously strong wind gusts tonight - the power has flickered once so far and I keep hearing various sirens going off outside. Fingers crossed that it sticks around.


  1. Pretty exciting. We have high winds, too. Moki keeps barking at it! Buddy is so pretty. Nice coloring.

  2. Your drawer is almost motivating me to clean out my own running drawer. Almost. I think I can ignore the mess for another week or so.

    I hope the new house has a dishwasher!

    1. The drawer is still clean. I feel like there should be a bet over how long it will stay that way...

      The funny thing is we actually have a dishwasher, but we don't use it. It doesn't do a very good job.

  3. Dang your drawer looks amazing! Glad I'm not the only one who stuffs workout clothes in and can't shut the drawer sometimes. LOL!

    1. Yeah we'll see how long I can keep the drawer organized - as an added bonus, I found a tank top I forgot I owned :)


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