Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Getting the Bad Run Out of the Way

I actually ran outside today!

It didn't go super well. It was muddy (which is sometimes fun, but wasn't today), Buddy came with me and was driving me completely insane, and either the weather (humidity?) or my cold made it so I felt like I couldn't get a deep breath.

We took a ridiculous number of walking breaks, but ran 3.55 miles at a 9:46 pace. Including the walking parts we probably covered close to 5 miles.

Buddy was so tired he didn't stand up at all during the drive home (he usually paces the back seat, especially when we stop at lights). And then he put himself to bed upstairs when we got home.

I decided this run means I got my bad run for the week out of the way before the race on Sunday. Hopefully.

On the bright side, my new trail shoes look more like trail shoes now.

I bought this crazy airborne today to see if it will help kick my cold down a notch. I'm not asking to be 100% on race day, but I'd like to not feel like I'm breathing with a pillow smashed into my face. That seems reasonable, right?

We tried a new recipe for dinner tonight. It was super easy and really delicious. Baked Sriracha Honey Chicken. How can you go wrong with that combination? Unless you're not a spicy food person, which is something I don't understand at all. Not liking spicy food is like not liking chocolate as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, and Buddy got a new collar the other day. He's very fancy.


  1. Sorry you have a cold. I don't get sick very often (knock on wood) but I've always wondered if that Airborne stuff really works. Everybody I know swears by it.

    Lookin' snazzy, Buddy!

    1. I figured the Airborne couldn't hurt, though it's hard to know if it's helping or if my cold is going away on its own. Either way, I'll take the improvement!

  2. Sorry you had a bad run! :( At least you still finished it. I'm sure it was your cold...hopefully that that goes away by your race!

    1. Pesky germs! At least it seems to be getting better.

  3. How do you like those Altra shoes you have on? Last time I took my Labrador on a run/walk a few weeks ago she came back all muddy too. She likes baths thought so it was all good!

    1. I like the Altras so far, but I've only taken them on a few short runs. Buddy hates baths, but he likes wading through creeks :)

  4. Try Congaplex next time! It's by standard process. I got it from my chiropractor but I know health stores sell it, or amazon. I swear by it! Or elderberry syrup :)

    1. I've never heard of Congaplex, I'll have to check it out!


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