Sunday, March 22, 2015


Today was long run day. It was the last one before the race next weekend, and I ran it inside. Again. One day soon the trails will be free of snow and ice again (they're always in shade, so it takes forever) and I will actually run long outside.

I ran 13.1 miles in 2:06:09, which gives me some hope that I won't end up being ridiculously slow on race day. There are a lot of hills, so I'm not sure what a reasonable time goal is going to be. I will probably come up with something the morning of and adjust throughout the race.

I have another new pair of shoes, Tom is an enabler. :) They're Mizuno Wave Rider 17s, and I was bad and wore them for my long run today. I know you shouldn't run long in new shoes, and I planned on swapping shoes partway through, but then I didn't. Luckily, they're awesome shoes and were super comfy the whole run.

Buddy found the sunshine this afternoon and I got this cute shot.

He got so warm he was laying there panting. Silly dog.

 Dinner tonight was BLTs with guacamole, and chips and salsa.

Not a bad way to end the weekend. :)


  1. Buddy actually looks like he's smiling. Handsome Buddy! Have an awesome taper week, you're going to crush it next Sunday!

    1. Isn't it a cute shot? He's very cute when he doesn't hide from the camera!

      I hope you're right, because right now I feel like the hills are going to crush me!


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