Saturday, March 21, 2015

More Snow and a Candy Jar

I had an easy 3 miles yesterday after my speedwork on Thursday. It wasn't terribly exciting, so I won't bore you with the details. What I will do is tell you about this:

That's right, an online candy store that delivers a candy jar to your front door! You get to pick the size of your candy jar and then pick what will be inside. My mom gave me a gift certificate so I could try it out - thanks Mom! :)

This is what I picked for my jar:

The candy is good too, not that cheap chocolate that tastes kind of waxy. Pretty fun!

We got several inches of snow yesterday, and it's already melting off. I didn't even bother to shovel the driveway because I knew it was going to warm up today (and because I'm lazy and I didn't want to shovel any more snow).

This was Friday afternoon, there's more out there now.

The Sleepy Hollow Half was this morning. I know the roads are pretty clear (and they changed the course so there weren't any trail portions this year), but I have to say, I'm glad I wasn't running this morning. It was cold when I ran it last year (you can read my recap HERE), but there wasn't any snow on the ground.

There wasn't a group run this morning because most of the group was at the race. I slept in instead. I have one last long run tomorrow and then next weekend is the West Point Half - I'm starting to get nervous/excited!


  1. Oh no, more snow? Here in Ohio the ground is now cleared, although I did see some snow in the forecast for next week. I'm sure it will just be a flurry though with no accumulation.
    Interesting concept with the candy jar. Mine would be all full of chocolate!
    Keep up the good work on your training!

    1. We're hoping it was the last of the snow for a while, everyone is definitely ready for spring!

  2. That candy jar is awesome!! Your mom is a good gift-giver. And yucko that snow! :/ At least it melted right away.

    1. The candy jar was fun :) It's much springier outside now, soon enough I'll be complaining about the heat!

  3. Rootbeer barrels! haven't seen those in for-ever, it's like the flavor is a vague childhood memory. A vague one but a good one!


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