Tuesday, March 24, 2015

That's a Lie

It's taper week! That means I have less miles to run and more fidgety energy to burn - a dangerous combination. I also have a cold, which isn't related, but it's still true.

Let's take a minute to review the absolute terror that is the West Point elevation chart.

Note that it is in meters. That means the course climb is actually 1,437 feet. Remind me why I signed up for this race?

I decided that since it is my first race of the year, and will most likely result in death by hills anyway, I'm going to run by feel and not worry too much about time.

That's a lie of course, I will care a little bit about time.

Today was an easy 3 miles on the treadmill. I know I need to get outside one of these days, but my laziness is pretty impressive.

Not as impressive as Buddy's, but still.

Things are getting springier around here. 

It's even supposed to hit 60 on Thursday! And it's supposed to rain. You win some, you lose some.

What's the hilliest race you've run?


  1. I just checked my hilly half, and it was only 730-some feet of climbing. But I do think the climbs make the time pass by more quickly than running flats! I actually really hate flat courses for long races. I'm sure you'll do great. All of your trail running will help a ton!!

    1. I think part of the first race of the year is just getting back into the groove of racing. I pulled out some old race photos and my medals today to remind myself that I do in fact know how to race :)

  2. Replies
    1. I'm just hoping to have fun with it at this point :)


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