Sunday, February 23, 2014

Suck it up, Buttercup

Happy Sunday! I had buttermilk leftover from cooking with the munchkins this week so Tom and I made buttermilk pancakes for breakfast. We used this recipe and they turned out delicious.

Prefect fuel for my long run this afternoon.

I have an excellent new tank top for running.

It's ridiculously soft too, which is an added bonus. I got it here.

My 8 mile run went really well and time went by pretty quickly, which was nice. I'm already better trained for this race than I was for my first half. In the month before my first half, the longest run I did was 3 miles because I had gotten sick. But even before then I wasn't training like I should have. I went into that race with my longest run ever being 6 miles. I finished the race, but I was slow and in pain. I haven't gone into a race that under-trained since. 

Buddy had a good time with his rope today:

Time for me to finish up my class newsletter and get my clothes in the dryer. Monday always comes so soon!

Do you make special breakfasts on the weekend?

Best part of your Sunday?


  1. I used to make breakfasts every Sunday. I'm not sure what happened to that! I should start again. Love the tank!

    1. I love big weekend breakfasts! There isn't time for it during the week so it's nice to have a lazy morning with a good breakfast when I can!


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