Thursday, February 27, 2014

Don't tell

We survived Thursday with only a few meltdowns and one temper tantrum. One of the girls was mad at me for telling her to line up after music (I'm very mean like that) so she was stomping around the room with her jacket on, yelling that she was going home. Luckily the door weighs more than she does, so I didn't really have much to worry about.

She later yelled at the "buttermilk people" to get off her nap mat, and yesterday when she was mad at me, (a daily occurrence) she told me she was going to turn me into ice cream. Toddlers are crazy.

I remembered to take a picture of our sun catchers today:

We managed to get everyone to sleep today. Not all at the same time, but I'm not picky at this point. Once the last munchkin fell asleep, my not grumpy anymore kiddo woke up, so we got to have some one on one time until everyone else woke up. It's nice to get those moments with them from time to time since we're always running around crazy with 9 or 10 other kids to worry about.

Don't tell my training plan, but I'm not running today. I'm supposed to, but I'm super tired and half my class is sick. I don't want to push too hard when I'm exhausted and end up getting sick - again.

Buddy loves his rope:

Oh and I was reminded of the other pronunciation of my name today: Gecky!

Would you like it if you were required to nap/rest every day? 

I wouldn't, but I just don't like being told what to do. Plus I can't nap.


  1. Your job sounds very entertaining! I love to nap! In fact, I could use a lot more of them!

    1. I'm just not programmed to nap. I lay there and think "am I sleep yet?"


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