Friday, February 21, 2014

Fascinating Friday

  •  One of my kids fell in the toilet today - the seat was up and she just sat down. She was pretty surprised!
  • My assistant was changing a diaper that she thought was just wet and was surprised to find that it wasn't just wet. Lets just say it was messy - and fell on the floor. I might have laughed, a lot.
  • I got a new credit card today. My credit card company sent me an email the other day that said my information might have been compromised so they were just going to go ahead and send me a new card. That was reassuring.
  • I have to write all of my lesson plans for March this weekend. Despite my best intentions I did not actually get them done early. On the bright side I have my theme/focus all figured out. Dr Seuss' birthday is in March, so we'll be reading a lot of his books. March is National Nutrition Month, so we'll talk about nutrition during circle time and cooking. And for science we're going to talk about our five senses! See? It's practically written already!
  • We had an unplanned science moment today after playing with a feather that fell out of someone's jacket. I showed them a feather from our art box, a beanbag and a scarf from music and had them guess which would hit the floor first when we dropped them. After the drop we talked about why we thought the beanbag fell faster than the scarf and the feather. It was really fun to stumble on something that they were really intrigued by.
  • My class is obsessed with the two little blackbirds finger play. It's kind of adorable.
There was really good fog out today. My assistant decided it was like a horror movie.

We get to watch deer out our classroom windows, the munchkins love it.

My color wall - we now have orange, purple, pink, brown and black too! And yes, I know that my yellow isn't actually very yellow - they were also using black paint that day.

What was the best part of your Friday?


  1. I finally got to read your blogs this morning. Your classroom looks great. You should have your assistant watch the original "the fog" movie. Pretty scary:)

  2. The first two made me laugh so hard! I love your color wall. That's really creative! You think my 6th and 7th graders would be up for decorating my room like that? LOL

    1. I'm sure your kids would love to take a finger painting break! ;)


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