Sunday, February 15, 2015

You Can't go Wrong with Waffles

I swear I'm either really productive, or really lazy - there is no in between.

It's impossible to keep the tile in our entryway clean, especially with muddy Buddy paws running around, but I decided to clean it this morning. I also vacuumed all the chunks of Buddy's toys up off the carpet so they will stop sticking to my socks.

I made myself some waffles for breakfast.

You can't go wrong with waffles.

I did a bunch of laundry and then spent a while thinking about how much I didn't want to run. Then I realized how ridiculous that was. It was only a couple of weeks ago that I was dying to be able to run again. How quickly we forget.

The first 20 minutes of my run was spent picking something to watch, and then deciding that I didn't want to watch it. I ended up watching Desert Runners. It follows a group of people running 4 ultra marathons through deserts all over the world (Egypt, China, Chile and Antarctica).

Holy cow, those people are crazy! There's something right about watching a movie about running while you run though. It just feels so wrong to watch something like that while I sit on the couch.

I ended up running 12 miles in 1:55:18, a 9:36 pace. Not too shabby. Good thing too, it's only 6 weeks until the West Point Half!

Now I'm watching the Saturday Night Live 40th anniversary special. I love it when the cast breaks character and starts cracking up. Anyone else watching?


  1. Wow you ended up with a great run powered by waffles! Yes! I have SNL taping on the DVR right now. Have a great week!

    1. Right? It must have been the waffles! Waffles before every run! ;)

      I watched the first half of SNL and then I had to go to bed, I recorded it though, so I'll catch up.

  2. That movie sounds perfect for a long run! I know what you mean about wanting to run when you can't and not wanting to when you can...that is totally me. I do dread the long runs especially but of course I enjoy them once I'm in. And yay for waffles!

    1. It usually takes me until about mile 4 to be warmed up and happy I'm running on a long run. :)

    2. For me, it's always halfway, no matter the distance. Obviously it's all mental but something about being halfway finished gives me hope!

  3. I haven't had waffles in forever but I have been eyeing up those new ones at IHOP! I'm sorry I missed the SNL special.

  4. Yum, waffles...and fried chicken. Chicken and waffles. I need to plan a little visit to Roscoe's now. :)

    1. I don't think I've actually ever had chicken and waffles - it sounds like something I would like!


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