Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Good Run, Finally!

Weekends always go by so quickly, don't they?

I didn't run with the group again on Saturday. Between my ankle and the weather, it's been a month since I ran with them. As much as I don't like waking up early (ever), I really miss running with them. Hopefully I'll make it next weekend.

I did try one of the PiYo workouts on Saturday called Define: Lower Body. It's a shorter workout, about 20 minutes, but I enjoyed it. I liked the pace of it (yoga is always so slooooow, this was faster) and while it was definitely work while I was doing it, I felt really good when I was finished. There are about 11 other workouts for me to try, so I'll keep you posted!

Today was long run day - 12 miles. I watched the movie The Family while I ran - I don't recommend it, it wasn't very good. My leg was a little tight during the first few miles, but felt great for the other nine, so I'm counting that as a win.

It was really nice to have a good run after so many not so good ones.

And now I'm starving, so excuse me while I go eat everything in the kitchen.


  1. I've had some terrible runs lately, including the latest one with my run group (those are always supposed to be good runs). Hoping for a good run tomorrow. It really is such a mental game!

    1. Agreed, group runs are supposed to be good! I hope you have a good run again soon! :)


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