Wednesday, February 11, 2015

ALL the salads!

I had a salad for breakfast. It just sounded good, and yes, I ate it out of the greens container.

Why make dishes if I don't need to?

Check it out: I actually went somewhere today!

Since I'm not working right now, I've been trying to be good about not spending money when I don't need to. This has resulted in me pretty much only going to the grocery store that's a half mile from our house and nowhere else. I'm starting to go stir crazy.

So this morning I went for a drive and spent some time wandering Target. I may have found some new yoga (pajama) pants, but I'm not sure yet. The tag is still on, so I'm not committed yet. I had no idea I was so picky about yoga pants.

Lunch was yet another salad - they're just so good!

I'm on a giveaway winning streak lately. I won this last month, but they just sent it to me this week.

The box was a little smooshed, but everything inside was fine.

It's a bundle from real food. real life. - their big thing is fermented foods and probiotics.

I'm interested to see if I notice any difference taking these. My body is generally pretty indifferent about my healthy choices (which is why I usually don't worry too much about them).

I got in a 2 mile treadmill run and did a Piyo core workout this afternoon. Core work is never my favorite (I once yelled "I have no core!" during a roller derby practice), but at least this workout had some different moves to keep things interesting.

Dinner was pretty healthy today, too. Roasted broccoli, baked sweet potato and steak. Considering I had chips and salsa for dinner a couple of nights ago (on accident, it was an out of control snack-a-thon), this is a big improvement.

And since no post is complete without a picture of Buddy, here's him tangled in the curtain earlier today.

Do you get on food kicks where you eat the same thing all the time?

This salad kick is much healthier than when all I want is sour patch kids. ;)


  1. I won a blog comtest this week too, and I never win things! Congratulations. Sorry you're not working right now. We live on hubby's social security so we don't go out much either. We have to keep a pretty tight budget.

    1. Congrats on your contest win! It's so fun to get free things! :) I refer to my not working as being temporarily retired, things are changing in the next few weeks, so I'll be busy again soon.

  2. I eat salad every day but never for breakfast. My salad will be the same all week long until I resupply at the Thursday farmer's market. This week I've got greens, beets, fennel, avocado, grape tomatoes & basil.

    Congrats on winning the giveaway! I think it's so fun to have a box delivered to your doorstep, even when you ordered it yourself on Amazon.

    1. I can't remember the last time I went to a farmer's market - I keep meaning to go (though most of them have probably stopped for the winter around here), but I haven't gotten around to it.

      It's always fun to get mail, that's for sure!


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