Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Random Tuesday Happenings

Today was kind of a blah day. Well, I was feeling blah anyway, I guess it's not the day's fault.

Some random cleaning feeling hit me this morning and I went through the snack cabinet. There were 4 granola bar boxes with a grand total of 3 granola bars between them. An excellent use of space. I also consolidated all my running fuel into one box.

These were basically all just taking up space:

It's not exactly what I would call organized, but since it was dangerous to open before, this is a vast improvement!

Then I shoveled the driveway, which sounds like a lot more work than it actually was. Normally I would have left it alone (there wasn't that much snow), but it was supposed to be in the upper 30s today and I wanted it to melt off before the next freeze/snow.

Is it spring yet?

Buddy the sun worshiper:

I ran an easy 5k on the treadmill while I watched part of Clueless. Pretty uneventful, which is a nice change from hurting myself!

I didn't take a picture, because I was busy shoveling it into my mouth, but dinner was super delicious! I took my favorite salad kit, added avocado (I haven't bought one in a while because I had a lot of disappointing ones) and chicken - bam! Dinner.

I'm super impressed that this picture turned out, because Buddy was trying to drag me away while I took it.

What's for dinner at your house? 

Do you have snow everywhere?


  1. Mmm that salad kit looks delicious! Where do you purchase that?

    1. I get it at the Stop & Shop by my house - they have a store finder on their website - http://eatsmart.net/store-locator

  2. Gorgeous sunset (sunrise?)!!!

    My cupboard was cluttered with FULL boxes of protein bars. I have yet to find a flavor or brand that I can choke down. Now I carry a pb&j in my fuel belt on long runs plus a Gu and it works great. My sandwich gets smushed as I'm running and I can get it down without much effort. People give me funny looks, like they're either grossed out or are wishing they'd thought of it. :)

    Dinner was an open face chicken salad sandwich melt: Squaw bread, tomato slices, chicken salad, cheddar cheese. Typical lazy Tuesday night dinner for 1.

  3. You must explain to me how you motivate yourself to TM run all the time because right now I just can't bring myself to do it. I need a good show but I can't get into one (and I've tried several). Geez. Sorry for being whiner.

    You still have a lot of snow on the ground! We had a warm weekend and a good bit of ours is gone.

    1. Here's my secret: I don't hate the treadmill - I have access to snacks, water and a bathroom and I can stop anytime I want to. :) Have you watched Fringe? And the BBC show Merlin is good too. They're both on Netflix.

      Our snow doesn't like to leave once we get it. It just builds up until we run out of places to put it.


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